Switching to a natural skin care system

There are so many things to keep track of for people who are honestly concerned about their health and well being. We have to think about the things we are eating, the portions we are eating, how much and what kind of exercise we are getting, and how well we are sleeping. There is so much to keep track of lately that I honestly had never given my skin care regimen much thought until I recently met with my dermatologist and closest friend. He suggested that the single most important key to better health for me was making the switch to a natural skin care system.

As soon as he said 'natural skin care' I'll admit that I was preparing myself to hear something really hippy and wacky from my friend. I thought that he was going to give me some special seeds that would eventually grow into special plants that I could then rub all over my face and that would be my natural skin care method. I was wrong. My friend and I began discussing the wisdom of taking the time to put healthy and natural products into our bodies but then not taking the time to care about the products we were using on the outside of our bodies.

I had never thought much about the skin care products I was using on my skin, but I guarantee you that I never once thought to make the change to natural skin care products of any kind. I only thought about the immediate and visible affects of a product on my skin, I never took time to care about the affects that I wasn't seeing or about the long term affects of a skin care system on my skin.

Meeting with my dermatologist that day changed how I'd forever view my skin. He said to think about the ingredient list on the container of any product as a prescription. He said that I was putting all of those products on my body and that many of them were soaking in well beneath my skin. I should be just as concerned with what I am putting on my body as I am with what I'm putting in my body. So he and I came up with a great natural skin care system to use.

I've been using all natural skin care products on my skin for the past few months now. And while I honestly cannot tell that much difference in the way my skin looks, I am confident that I am doing the inside of my body a huge favor every time I choose natural skin care over other options.